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Their meeting was destiny

I'm a siao bleach fan and an ichiruki shipper
You can see from this blog
I loaf my family and my frens
B'day: 30th Nov
Basically my hobby is just drawing Bleach characters and chatting with my frens
And I read and write fanfictions <3
Unbreakable bond

Hui Eng
Mr Chia
Shu Hui
Wei Xiang
Yew Na
Yi Hong
Jun Wei


Thanks To.



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Friday, October 15, 2010

EOYs are over...
and I don't feel any different than before.
Well, maybe that is because I was actually slacking during the exams (somewhat) and now...
I'm just slacking even more :)

2:12 AM;

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


6:38 AM;

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm pissed.
So just now, I was browsing through the IchiRuki section of Bleachness, and I was reading this essay. It's nothing wrong with the esaay, though. Karenai's essays are awesome, but there was a necessary link to the IchiHime FC at BA, and I got bored, so I was exploring the FC, just to laugh a little.
But then I stumbled on people who said that "Ichigo transforming into the IchiThing for Inoue was special and undoubtedly IchiHime."
Now, I have absolutely nothing against IchiHime, even though IchiRuki is my OTP. I believe everyone has a right to ship the pairings they want, and it's none of my business. But that statement got me reeling; why on earth was it special?
I'm not capable of producing an essay that can sway even Hitler like Syn, or Annie, or whomever, but I just want to say this:
How can a girl that begged her so-called true love to help her, when HE'S the one lying on the ground dead with a hole in his chest be called ROMANTIC?
Like I said, though, I have nothing against IchiHime. I just have issues with this statement.


1:17 AM;

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ahh crap. I'm currently in a doujin mood right now.
And I feel like drawing one T.T
But I don't have any inspirations, so I can't,
And that super fluffy and smexy doujin from Lovedrop T.T
-tugs hair out-

4:17 AM;

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cracky much?
I mean, seriously, I knew Kubo was a crack, but the animators?
OMG.I guess the only thing about the cracky episode I didn't like was the Sokyoku scene. OOC Rukia is OOC, but I like the selfless Rukia D:
But the mini Sokyoku was fucking hilarious (pardon my language here) I went LOL when I saw the cute little phoenix poking Rukia's forehead, an
d then Ichigo just took it away, with the infamous "Yo." and totally sexy smile.
Oh yeah :DOh, and who can forget the seaweed ambassador cost
ume that Nii-sama was wearing?

6:56 AM;

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I meant to get that image below this text (to give it a BANG and all) but ahhh well.
Things like that hate me :D
Anyways... before you guys actually decide to finally call Woodbridge and send me there because of my anime obsession (but send Izzah and Rach and Mel too!!) I guess I should do some explaining about that up there.
So basically, to create more distance between the anime and manga to cut Kubo-sama some slack, the anime team decided to create a AU (alternate universe) episode.
Translation: OH TEH CRACK.
Mel and I suspect that Kubo and Kudo and the anime team decided to go drinking with Sunrise animations and Soraichi-san.
Not to mention Soraichi and Kubo slipping some crack into the beer (sake?)
But really.
Lemme give you the sypnosis:
So basically, after passing through the Garganta to get to FKT, Ichigo( oh , I'm sorry, CHIGO) actually finds himself in the middle of the Arabic desert (awww, no Unohana scary gaze? -pouts-) and meets Oorio (Uryuu, and please proceed to laugh your butt off), Ori Mei and Cheido. Together they set off to search for the Snow Flake.
Yeah. And somehow they find a Kon magic lamp (i don't have the screencap for that, even though Annie posted it on BA) and RUKIA (i mean, RukiRuki) comes out as this COMPLETELY ADORABLE genie.
And chibi.
okay. It's gonna premiere next week Wednesday, so watch out for it!!

IchiRuki shippers UNITE!

5:43 AM;

Friday, July 9, 2010

Warning: Rant
Sigh, haven't updated for so long but when I actually do, I'm ranting.
Anyways, I'm going to be ranting about the very unfair predicament I've been put in in my CCA.
So, another competition is coming about, and I was quick enough to secure a good group which consisted of the building head, the programming head, the secretary and the top programmer in Sec 2.
Yep, so basically I felt better about this competition than the last.
However, just recently, due to a fellow member whom I had worked with in the APRC, I had to transfer out of my group.
You see, she didn't manage to get a group (dare I say, she was pretty much unwanted) and I hurried before she could ask me.
Yeah, I don't like her.
But then, the Excos (namely, my brother himself) decided to pull me and some others out of their group to form one with the alone person.
I wouldn't be complaining if my new group mates were somewhat dependable.
I will not mention names to avoid bashing, but all I can say is that I'm working with an annoying senior chatterbox who cannot shut up nor do any cyber-related work, a fellow sec one who has a short fuse and apparently dislikes formentioned person, and a slacker.
One up side is that the slacker isn't so bad. He'll do it if you ask him to, and he's the only one I can talk to freely.
So tell me, is this fair at all? I have to do everything as a secondary one who has no experience whatsoever, except for line tracing programming, and the only good programmer and leader in the whole damn group. I agree with my brother's take that this experience will make me perform better and one day become exco( he has been through it himself). I don't mind having useless groupmates, but I seriously draw the line at groupmates who can't get alone.
Too bad I can't draw it.

3:47 AM;